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Rising to the Challenge: How Leading Healthcare Organizations are Thriving in an Evolving Revenue Environment

Rising to the Challenge: How Leading
Healthcare Organizations are Thriving
in an Evolving Revenue Environment
The views and opinions expressed in this white paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the official policy or position of Ingenious Med or any other agency, organization, employer or company.
Lower volumes, changing case and payer
mixes paired with greater uncertainty
about positive operating margins make
revenue optimization more essential
than ever for healthcare organizations.
But what are the best approaches in
healthcare reimbursement for thriving
in today’s uncertain financial environment?
We’ve asked leaders from several
physician management organizations
and healthcare systems to share their
strategies for overcoming the considerable
challenges of this altered landscape.
They describe how they used data and
analytics to better manage capacity,
coordinate care, optimize revenues
and adapt to changing reimbursement.
The Pandemic Has Made Managing
Healthcare Finances Even Harder
Operating health systems and physician
practices has always been hard, but the
COVID-19 pandemic has created new
challenges to profitability in 2020 despite
significant federal subsidies. Before the
pandemic, healthcare financial cushions
were already thin. In 2018, health system
operating margins were 30 percent lower
than 2015 levels.1 And Kaufman Hall found
that more than 30 percent of U.S hospitals
had negative margins in 2019.2
(See Figure 1.)
COVID-19 only made it harder to operate
in the black. A July 2020 HFMA survey
of 174 healthcare leaders found that 89%
of respondents expect 2020 revenues to
How Leading Healthcare Organizations are Thriving in an Evolving Revenue Environment 2
be lower than pre-pandemic levels, and 62%
project that those losses will be 15% or greater.3
Hospitals and physician practices have both
experienced financial pain. During the spring
of 2020, hospitals lost $60B per month as
surgical volumes declined by 61%, discharges
by 30%, and ED visits by 43%.4 While volumes
are rebounding, an American Hospital
Association (AHA) report projects that hospital
financial losses will deepen by an additional
$120.5 billion in the second half of 2020,
bringing total losses to at least $323.1 billion
for the year.5
Figure 1.
The AHA report states, “Experts have
warned that the recovery pace for hospitals
and health systems will be slow and that
normal hospital volume will not come back
quickly even as states lift moratoriums on
non-emergent procedures.”
1 LaPointe, J. (2020, March 5). Hospital Revenue, Margins Improved in 2019 Despite Rising Expenses. RevCycleIntelligence. Retrieved September 25, 2020, from https://
2 The Effect of COVID-19 on Hospital Financial Health (Rep.). (2020, July). Retrieved September 25, 2020, from Kaufman Hall website:
3 Ibid.
4 Kacik, A. (2020, May 11). Deferred procedures drain hospital revenue by $60B a month. Modern Healthcare. Retrieved September 25, 2020, from
5 Hospitals and Health Systems Continue to Face Unprecedented Financial Challenges due to COVID-19 (Rep.). (2020, June). Retrieved September 25, 2020, from
American Hospital Association website:
On the physician side, the picture was also
bleak. In April 2020, physician practices shed
243,000 jobs6 and lost an average of 55% of
their revenues.7 As a result, 53% of physicians
reported feeling very or extremely concerned
about the pandemic’s long-term impact on
their practice.8 Data from the Ingenious Med®
application show that this concern may still be
warranted. Billings dropped a massive 40% by
April 2020. After rebounding in July and
trending back up to 90% of pre-COVID levels
by August 2020, bills created per day dropped
off again to around 75% of typical volumes in
September 2020.
Effective Strategies for Optimizing
Revenues and Resources
How have leading healthcare entities risen
above COVID-19’s myriad challenges to
maximize productivity, cope with dramatic
volume and casemix changes, and optimize
revenues? Using examples from American
Physician Partners (APP), US Acute Care
Solutions (USACS) and a major medical group
at a southwestern health system, we asked
healthcare leaders to share the strategies that
have enabled them to succeed in an evolving
revenue environment. Their ideas for optimizing
the revenue cycle focused on using data and
analytics to manage capacity, coordinate care,
optimize resources and adapt to changing
reimbursement models.

  1. Manage Demand by Tracking Real-Time
    COVID-19 Volumes
    Having accurate and timely data is critical
    to success. Key data includes census data
    and real-time COVID-19 patient volumes that
    can be viewed across the organization at all
    locations. Sharing data from these sources
    enabled these organizations to gain insights
    into volume fluctuations that have been 3
    helping them right-size their resources during
    the pandemic.
    Dennis Deruelle, MD, FHM, APP’s Executive
    Director of Hospital Medicine, noted, “After
    seeing a roughly 45 percent drop in ER volumes
    and a 35 percent drop in hospital medicine
    volumes this spring, we had to make rapid
    staffing changes to match the lower demand.
    Fortunately, we use a staffing grid developed
    internally plus performance dashboards that
    include encounters per day and total encounters
    to calculate our productivity. We could review
    our census on a daily basis for every practice,
    and track the trends to help us project the
    upcoming week. That allowed us to identify
    hotspots and shift resources accordingly.”
    “We could review our census on
    a daily basis for every practice,
    and track the trends to help us
    project the upcoming week.
    That allowed us to identify hotspots
    and shift resources accordingly.”
    Dennis Deruelle, MD, FHM, Executive Director
    of Hospital Medicine at APP
    USACS also used analytics to adapt its budget
    and staffing as patient volumes fluctuated
    during the pandemic. An administrative
    dashboard proved helpful for spotting spikes
    in census, LOS, readmissions and more.
    It enabled administrators to focus additional
    resources on sites that were receiving an influx
    of COVID-19 patients.
    Leaders at APP, USACS and the southwestern
    health system took advantage of new automated
    COVID-19 identifiers and trackers developed by
    Ingenious Med to check COVID-19 patient
    volumes multiple times a day. Clinicians at each
    site used this real-time data to spot potential
    6 King, R. (2020, May 8). Healthcare jobs declined by 1.4M in April as physician practices shed 243,000 jobs. Fierce Healthcare. Retrieved September 25, 2020, from
    7 LaPointe, J. (2020, April 15). Physician Practice Revenue Cut in Half Due to COVID-19 Crisis. RevCycleIntelligence. Retrieved September 25, 2020, from
    8 Sullivan, T. (2020, June 16). Study Finds Outpatient Practices Hit Hard by COVID-19 Pandemic. Policy & Medicine. Retrieved September 25, 2020, from https://www.
    How Leading Healthcare Organizations are Thriving in an Evolving Revenue Environment
    capacity issues due to physician staffing
    availability and allocate resources accordingly
    to support their sites while minimizing waste.
    Having daily census data also enabled their
    physicians to better plan their daily schedules.
    “We could review our census on a
    daily basis for every practice, and
    track the trends to help us project
    the upcoming week. That allowed
    us to identify hotspots and shift
    resources accordingly.”
    Dennis Deruelle, MD, FHM, Executive Director
    of Hospital Medicine at APP
    Andrea Funk, VP Integrated Acute Care
    Operations at USACS, also found this data
    helped identify areas where it needed to deploy
    its telemedicine backup plans in case providers
    got sick and were unable to work onsite. “Having
    Ingenious Med helped us stay focused during
    this crisis,” she explained. “The platform made
    it much easier to reassign physicians from less
    busy areas – like the emergency department and
    anesthesiology – to help staff our critical care
    areas, where we greatly needed the help.”
    APP used telehealth as a backup for
    managing overflows. “When you cut staff,
    hospitalists worry that there could be days
    when they get overwhelmed, even though that
    rarely happens,” stated Dr. Deruelle. “So, we
    put virtual visits in place to manage any
    overflow, which was invaluable in reducing
    physician concerns.”
  2. Plan for a Potentially Longer Length of Stay
    The unique aspects of COVID-19 meant that all
    three organizations had to prepare for a much
    longer LOS for patients with the virus. Funk
    said, “Managing co-morbidities was critical to
    managing LOS in COVID-19 patients. In contrast
    to our average LOS of 3.8 days, their average
    LOS was closer to 20 days and sometimes
    lasted over 100 days. Even when COVID-19
    patients are stable, we often can’t discharge 4
    them to long-term care because they’re still
    on CPAP [continuous positive airway pressure
    devices]. That keeps them stuck in the hospital
    and creates back-ups.”
    USACS used its COVID-19 dashboard to receive
    an accurate daily update of these patients by
    location, which enabled administrators to
    anticipate which facilities would need to get
    temporary privileges for a pool of physicians
    and APPs who were helping to manage
    the surge.
    The southwestern health system used the
    platform’s analytics dashboard to help practices
    track the higher LOS for COVID-19 patients and
    the much lower census. Two key measures, LOS
    and readmission rates, flow from the Ingenious
    Med app into that scorecard, enabling medical
    directors at each site to drill down by physician
    to see which ones needed help managing LOS.
  3. Use Analytics to Manage Productivity and
    Modify Physician Incentive Compensation
    APP and the southwestern health system found
    that being able to use indicators to identify
    COVID-19 patients also helped to manage
    productivity without overburdening their
    physicians. Since these patients consumed more
    physician time, administrators could determine
    when to reduce the number of patients assigned
    to a hospitalist.
    “We were able to track
    productivity by patients per
    shift and see whether we were
    ‘green,’ which meant we were at
    100% productivity.
    Dennis Deruelle, MD, FHM, Executive Director
    of Hospital Medicine at APP
    The southwestern health system’s medical
    group had to cancel all elective surgeries in
    March, contributing to a loss of about 50%
    of volumes and over $620 million in revenue.
    It sought to avoid layoffs by developing
    How Leading Healthcare Organizations are Thriving in an Evolving Revenue Environment 5
    by patients per shift and see whether we
    were ‘green,’ which meant we were at 100%
    productivity. We could view our productivity by
    site every single day. That was extremely helpful
    because then we could tell our site medical
    directors, ‘This is the staffing that we want,
    and this is what you’re shooting for.’”
    As part of its provider engagement efforts,
    Adfinitas provides coding education to its
    physicians and advanced practice providers
    and requires them to monitor their performance
    using Ingenious Med’s reports. “It’s very easy
    for them to do and they can get reports in just
    a few minutes,” said Dr. Mitchell.
  4. Capture Charges Efficiently and Accurately
    at the Point of Care
    To optimize revenues, Perkins recommended
    going back to basics while taking advantage
    of efficient technology. Prior to the pandemic,
    the southwestern health system was wellpositioned to capture charges because it had
    switched from highly inefficient manual revenue
    cycle processes to using both Ingenious Med
    different staffing structures, offering voluntary
    severance packages and reducing hours and
    The group used Ingenious Med data to adjust
    its productivity targets and to enable physicians
    to easily track their performance against the
    new compensation targets.
    Derick Perkins, Managing Partner of Metis
    Advisors, LLC, worked extensively with this
    health system’s medical group.
    “Over-communicating to physicians and
    clinical staff was critical,” he said. “Doctors
    were upset because they know volume losses
    impact their RVUs. Reassuring them that their
    compensation targets would be adjusted
    helped to allay concerns.” When volumes
    began rebounding to about 70% of normal
    in July and August, the group could
    modify staffing and targets accordingly.
    Dr. Deruelle noted that APP used its analytics
    dashboard to track the hours cut as well as total
    hours. “We were able to track productivity
    Having a dedicated physician charge capture and practice
    analytics platform focused specifically on your practice’s needs
    and goals can be the key to success in this environment where
    managing scarce resources, controlling productivity and billing
    for every service rendered is essential for survival.
    Healthcare organizations must be able to evaluate and
    standardize performance between individual providers as well
    as across teams andpractices. They also need to deliver timely,
    actionable insights to the front-line clinicians who directly affect
    productivity, performance and revenues.
    Doing so relies on capturing revenues accurately at the point
    of care. Real-time data enables clinicians and administrators
    to identify issues and spot trends, as well as underlying causes.
    When an intuitive interface that can deliver insights without
    impacting workflows is combined with a mobile, point-of-care
    application, organizations can extend practice analytics to all
    stages of the patient.
    The value of a dedicated physician charge
    capture and practice analytics solution 6
    and its EHR system, Athena Health, to capture
    all charges efficiently.
    “The health system leveraged the power of both
    systems to identify the most appropriate codes,”
    Perkins explained. “It helped reduce charge lags
    and got claims out the door faster, so we could
    get paid quickly and correctly.”
    “Before the new system, inpatient
    physicians had charge lags as long
    as 30 days. Afterwards, charge lag
    went down to six days as a result
    of capturing charges accurately
    at the point of care.”
    Derick Perkins, Managing Partner of Metis
    Advisors, LLC
    He added, “Before the new system, inpatient
    physicians had charge lags as long as 30 days.
    Afterwards, charge lag went down to six days
    as a result of capturing charges accurately at
    the point of care.” The health system’s medical
    group used the Ingenious Med MasterCoder tool
    to help improve coding speed, accuracy and
    compliance while reducing coder workload
    and the amount of coding staff required. It also
    reduced the number of denials resulting from
    filing claims late.
  5. Educate and Support Physician
    Charge Capture
    The pandemic has made it more essential
    than ever for hospitals and physician practices
    to collect all the revenue to which they are
    entitled while minimizing the cost to collect.
    Coding accurately is an important step
    in avoiding undercoding and lost revenue
    while improving the allocation of back-office
    resources and using them more efficiently –
    both important actions given today’s
    tighter margins.
    The southwestern health system also invested
    heavily in ongoing physician education to help
    avoid undercoding and overcoding at the point
    of care. Instead of performing charge entry,
    coders could focus instead on reviewing and
    reconciling charges to increase compliance.
    The platform enables quality assurance staff
    to pull the missing bills report from the system
    (as well as other reports) to monitor each
    practice and identify any missing charges.
    APP used a similar approach. “We believe
    that the physician should pick the code, not
    a coder,” said Dr. Deruelle. “We use coders
    to provide oversight or make suggestions to
    ensure documentation and coding are accurate,
    but physicians deliver the care and they know
    exactly what services were provided.”
    USACS used the tool to stay current with
    each site’s activity from a practice management
    standpoint. “Our physicians were amazing,
    and we pride ourselves on them capturing
    their charges the same day or in real time,”
    Funk explained. It also used the platform
    to quickly create superbills for staff temporarily
    assigned to care for COVID-19 inpatients,
    such as emergency medicine physicians who
    weren’t used to submitting their own charges.
  6. Reduce Denials by Holding Claims to the
    Point of Discharge
    The southwestern health system learned an
    important lesson along the way. It was initially
    reluctant to hold claims until the time of
    discharge, and instead continued releasing
    claims as soon as they were received in the
    practice management system. The health
    system eventually switched when it realized
    that holding claims to clear inside the platform
    helped to catch certain issues and avoid
    duplicate charges.
  7. Create Payer Report Cards
    To ensure that payers are reimbursing at
    the contracted rate or at the advertised
    telemedicine rate when the pandemic first hit,
    Perkins recommended keeping a report card
    for major payers to track this data. He stated,
    “For example, we found that some payers are
    How Leading Healthcare Organizations are Thriving in an Evolving Revenue Environment 7
    not reimbursing for telehealth as much as
    they had promised, so I truly believe every
    organization should have a payer report card.
    At a minimum, that report card should track
    how much you’re collecting versus your
    contracted rate as well as your denial rate
    with that particular payer.”
    “You need to hold payers
    Derick Perkins, Managing Partner of Metis
    Advisors, LLC
    Perkins added, “The need for payer report
    cards pre-dates COVID-19, but the pandemic
    has made it essential to go back to the basics
    and make sure you’re getting paid according
    to your contract. You need to hold payers
    accountable. You could consider partnering
    with an underpayment firm on a contingency
    basis, and make sure you regularly update
    your fee schedules and track denials closely.
    We found that payers may say their systems
    are ready to take certain codes, but then
    deny them. This causes more work for
    collectors and ultimately increases A/R Days.”
  8. Develop a Comprehensive Self-Pay Strategy
    The pandemic dramatically swelled the ranks
    of the unemployed and accelerated the trend
    of patients paying for more care out of their
    own pockets. Continuing a practice it had
    started before COVID-19 hit, the health system’s
    medical group developed a comprehensive
    self-pay strategy that included offering patients
    financing options through a medical credit
    card company.
    Perkins noted, “COVID has increased the
    percent of self-pay patients and patients today
    have higher out-of-pocket responsibilities than
    they used to. Several government programs
    have provided some relief for self-pay balances,
    enabling health systems to file those claims
    to this program and receive reimbursement
    if they meet certain criteria.” He also noted
    that organizations can provide patients with
    other options, such as internal payment plans
    including working with patient financing firms
    for extended payment options.
  9. Make More Informed Bundled Payment
    APP and many of its hospital partners
    participate in value-based models such
    as bundled payment programs. Dr. Deruelle
    commented, “CMS has given bundled payment
    programs a reprieve, so we could just push
    this year if we want to avoid losing money.
    Or we have the option of pulling every COVID
    patient out. Thankfully, our platform allows
    us to identify all our COVID patients and pull
    them out of the model if we wish, so we can
    determine which is the ideal option for
    our organization.”
  10. Improve Throughput Across the Continuum
    The highly infectious nature of COVID-19 meant
    that fewer patients could be discharged to
    skilled nursing facilities. The Ingenious Med
    platform’s COVID-19 identifiers proved useful
    in helping organizations proactively identify
    infectious patients so they could better plan for
    discharges and improve coordination with case
    management departments. That, in turn, helped
    reduce bottlenecks elsewhere in the hospital
    and improve throughput.
    “The reports enabled us to quickly
    improve communication, discharge
    patients timely and decongest
    emergency departments that
    needed it.”
    Andrea Funk, VP Integrated Acute Care
    Operations at USACS
    Funk explained, “We used the anticipated
    discharge flag identifier to send a daily report
    to our site hospital case managers so they knew
    in real time each day who was going home.
    We found that some hospitals had perhaps
    20 patients in the emergency department that
    needed inpatient care but were boarded in the
    ED because no inpatient beds were available.
    How Leading Healthcare Organizations are Thriving in an Evolving Revenue Environment 8
    The reports enabled us to quickly improve
    communication, discharge patients timely
    and decongest emergency departments that
    needed it.”
    Another strategy that proved effective for
    USACS was partnering with one of its hospital
    systems and state officials to open a specific
    treatment facility to care for infected patients.
    “When the skilled nursing facilities couldn’t
    admit new COVID-19 patients or take their own
    patients back, we deployed a team of providers
    to expand an empty facility to care for COVID
    patients exclusively, which took pressure off
    the other hospital system inpatient units and
    relieved local emergency department
    backups,” Funk observed.
    Lessons Learned
    When the healthcare world is turned upside
    down by a pandemic – and when collecting
    every dollar has never been more critical –
    organizations with point-of-care charge
    capture tools and accurate, real-time analytics
    will be better positioned to weather the crisis
    than those that lack insights and are flying blind.
    Predictions about what the coming year
    holds for healthcare organizations in terms
    of volumes, revenues, casemix and payer mix
    vary widely. Having the right tools to manage
    capacity, optimize revenues, adapt to changing
    casemix and reimbursement, and coordinate
    care across the continuum, will help
    organizations to more accurately predict
    and more nimbly respond to that future.
    While it’s ideal to have these tools in place
    before a crisis, it’s never too late to get started.
    Mobile tools that deliver cutting-edge analytics
    based on timely and accurate data that
    physicians themselves can enter at the point
    of care make monitoring key metrics such as
    LOS and productivity far easier for clinicians
    and administrators alike. When such solutions
    can be easily integrated with existing EHRs and
    IT systems and when they are designed to be
    intuitive for physicians to use, organizations
    can quickly get up and running before the
    next crisis hits.
    For more information about Ingenious Med
    or to request a free demo, call 770.799.0909
    or visit online at
    About Our Contributors
    Dennis Deruelle MD, FHM, is Executive Director
    of Hospital Medicine with American Physician
    Partners (APP) in Nashville, TN. He supports the
    management of APP’s hospital medicine program
    and provides clinical oversight to its hospital
    medicine physicians and advanced practice
    clinicians in support of the company’s ongoing
    quality efforts. Dr. Deruelle has over 15 years of
    hospital medicine leadership experience, having
    served as the owner of a private hospital medicine
    practice and CEO/Founder of a boutique
    healthcare consulting company.
    Andrea Funk, RN, MEd, CPHQ is Vice President
    of Integrated Acute Care Operations at US Acute
    Care Solutions. She applies her more than 20
    years’ experience in nursing, quality management
    and patient safety to supporting hospital
    administration, physicians and staff in their
    daily practice and quality improvement initiatives.
    Ms. Funk provides expertise in site practice
    operations, including improving quality metrics,
    through her commitment to the professional
    development and support of all clinical and
    operational staff.
    Derick D. Perkins is a Revenue Cycle Leader
    with over 23 years of experience working with
    large health systems across the country.
    He has performed successful revenue cycle
    optimization projects at Ascension Healthcare,
    Allina Health, LifePoint, Christus Health and
    oversaw the unprecedented growth of the
    Memorial Hermann Medical Group from less
    than 200 providers to over 800 providers.
    Mr. Perkins is the founder of Metis Advisors LLC,
    a consultancy that improves the financial health
    of rural and smaller practices through revenue
    cycleoptimization and recovery.